It seems that the gitalk will not work when using Chinese titles. The userpage will have an alarm that shows “Related Issues not found. Please contact @wannacry601 to initialize the comment“. When I tried to initialize one it shows “Error: Validation failed”.
It has been confirmed that this problem is due to the url length exceeded the maximum after transferring Chinese characters. The solution has also been found, that using md5 as labels in the issue of the comments repo instead of original url itself.
However, since the Quiet theme uses a strange way to implement Gitalk communications with the comments repo, I’m still working on it to solve the problem.
Hope I will fix it soon :)
p.s. After deploying this page I was not surprised to find this post is also unavailable to leave comments, since the maximum length available for url is 50 letters to my knowledge. This is quite annoying since I would have to choose between long titles I may need and the comments.
October 27 update: the problem has been fixed!